SCAD x The Mill NY update 10


10/29/20242 min read

Feedback / Notes:


  • framing works better

  • shadows in center part match to exterior painting

  • A02 - shadows by frames

  • A02 - shadows of her?

  • shadow of painting person onto frame

  • push the transition to color


  • A02 - consider the shadow and distance working on the arm

  • shadow of wires in center get rid of shadows or leave(they look thick)

  • balance color


  • looks great

  • motion blur the skittles

  • bands are layer down - maybe add a bit of randomness

  • color wash of smoke

  • lose the shadow on the vase

Adjustments I am going to do this week:
  • add motion blur to the skittles

  • add randomness on the animation of skittles(reramp?)

  • increase color variation on smoke?

Enhancing Organic Motion: Adding Randomness to Temperature Attributes

This week, I received some helpful feedback from our mentor, David. He suggested adding motion blur to the Skittles, layering the bands with a bit more randomness, adding a color wash to the smoke, and removing the shadow on the vase.

The first thing I want to focus on is adding some randomness to the temperature attribute to make the Skittles spread more organically. At the same time, I’d like to maintain the timing as much as possible to avoid affecting the entire simulation.

I’ve been tweaking the values of noise size and amplitude to get the best results while keeping the central Skittle flat.



Cd attribute of pyro / particles

Based on David's feedback about solve the color wash issue to the smoke, I’ve been working on giving the pyro effect more color variation and clarity. Right now, the colors are blending together too much, so I’m aiming to make each hue stand out more distinctly.

My first approach was to use a blast node to separate the colors for individual control. However, I encountered an issue: some colors didn’t have enough points in the source. As a result, when I transferred the points to the volume, the colors appeared washed out.

Since the first approach didn’t work, I tried another method by adding more green and red to the source. I also reduced the voxel size to capture the color values more accurately.

get the color separately

voxel size .1

voxel size .005

add more red and green

I ran into an issue with this approach. To capture as much color information as possible, I reduced the particle size. However, this made the volume thinner, and after simulation, the pyro couldn’t fully pick up the color data from the source, leaving some parts of the pyro effect white. To fix this, I minimized the voxel size and set the particle size to 1.5 to increase thickness, allowing the pyro to retain as much color as possible.

particles size 1.5

particles size .1

particles size .1

particles size 1

particles size 1.5

Since the pyro colors are now different, the particles’ colors aren’t matching the pyro in the same spots, making the particles stand out more. I also ran a test to transfer the same Cd to the particles to better match the colors. I do like the effect of having the pyro and particle colors align at the same locations.

render view

old particles color

particles color from pyro Cd source


pyro with particles

color correction in nuke test

Rendering / Samplings / motion vector setting

samplings: volume indirect 6

ray: diffuse 2 / specular 2 / volume 3

samplings: volume indirect 3

ray: diffuse 2 / specular 2 / volume 3

samplings: volume indirect 3

ray: volume 3

samplings: volume indirect 3

ray: volume 2

samplings: volume indirect 3

ray: volume 1

samplings: volume indirect 2

ray: volume 0

samplings: volume indirect 3

ray: diffuse 2 / specular 2 / volume 3

render time: 05m01s

samplings: volume indirect 6

ray: diffuse 2 / specular 2 / volume 3

render time: 07m57s

samplings: volume indirect 6

ray: diffuse 2 / specular 2 / volume 6

render time: 09m32s