SCAD x The Mill NY update 5
9/7/20245 min read
Feedback / Notes
Team KESS Notes - Week 3 class5
Loves the wardrobe
The story is clearer now, the progression of the story is clearer
The close ups of the skittles -> Are things starting to fall or move when she is about to put the skittle in the eye? Wondering if there are other options to get there? Perhaps a slower push in there?
Focus on that shot sequence, possibly slow it down, the magic is building up, focus on the pacing of the sequence
Tara gave reference for the black and white to color effect
Mazyar sent in roto reference to use for rotoing the actress
Skittles flying into frame: Is it going to fly from the side or from above?
Shot 1a: during reshoots, bring a little more depth of field into the frame, a lot of textural detail tends to meld together right now, more depth of field will help to make the character stand out more, possibly have her be in focus with a softness to the background
Greenscreen for the shoot?
The close ups of the skittles -> Are things starting to fall or move when she is about to put the skittle in the eye? Wondering if there are other options to get there? Perhaps a slower push in there?
dolly in instead of cuts
Focus on that shot sequence, possibly slow it down, the magic is building up, focus on the pacing of the sequence
slow down the pyro/particles
Skittles flying into frame: Is it going to fly from the side or from above?
drop the Skittles down from the real world to the black-and-white painting world.portal sends the skittles from the topLet the painter reach out from the painting world to grab the Skittles from the real world.
new storyboard / on set schedule
right scale of the asserts
Slow down pyro + fix the mushroom shape + pscale(shot3)
transitions for the RBD shot(shot6)
insert references in previs for effects

effect for painting suggestion from mentor
shot 3 Pyro / Particles references
shot 6 RBD references

shot 3 Pyro sim with right scale / slow down the motion
This weekend was tough because I’ve been without power for four days due to the hurricane, which made it really hard to work. But today, I finally had time to work on the project at school. I made some changes to the pyro since I just received all the assets with the correct scale, so I redid the pyro and worked on fixing the mushroom shape.
shot 3 Particles Pscale Test

diffusion 0.05
diffusion 0.01

noise element size 0.01
noise element size 0.12

vel 1
When the Skittles spread out on the canvas, I wanted to make the motion look more interesting, so I added noise in the pyro spread node and adjusted the element size to find the best result. However, when I added the noise, the motion didn’t start from the center point I had set up. To fix this, I used the attribute blur to blur the temperature.
Notes from the mentors suggested that I slow down the effects. Since the pyro spread is the source for the pyro, I adjusted the diffusion to slow down the spread.
I was still testing the best particle size, so I used wedge to file cache the maxvalue and minvalue attributes and assigned them to my pscale. Finally, I found that 0.0011 and 0.0024 worked best to resemble Skittles.

For the RBD shot, I was working on how to make the Skittles fly toward the camera naturally, so I adjusted the velocity (v) in the wind force to achieve the best result.


Re-shooting footage
Due to Hurricane Helene, my place has been without power for three days, and there’s still no power, so I haven’t been able to update frequently. The good news is that we’re back on set today, and this time, we have a better workflow since we already have some experience. We changed the story based on discussions with professors and writing student Nina.
Story updated / working with writing student Nina
After speaking with our professors, we received some great suggestions that we think will help improve the story. The overall plot remains the same: a person is eating Skittles while walking through a museum, and she sees a painter in a painting who looks frustrated. However, instead of dropping the Skittles from the top of the painting, the painter’s hand reaches out from the painting to grab a handful of Skittles from the real world. The painter then eats the Skittles and uses the last one to finish the painting. In the final shot, five Skittles fly into the scene, creating a rainbow, and the slogan appears next.
This picture roughly shows how the painter is reaching out from the painting into real life to grab the Skittles.

Shot List
From our first shooting experience, Sydney came up with a great idea: it would be better to have a shot list to help us remember all the shots we need to do. So, I put together a shot list with names and descriptions to help create an on-set schedule.

new story and still brainstorming with writing student Nina
For the first shot, the audience sees a person in a gallery standing next to a black-and-white painting. The painter in the painting appears to be struggling (as if painting inside the painting). The person drops a Skittle onto the top of the painting, causing Skittles to fall from above into the painting world, which explains why the skittles fall from the top of the painter.
The last shot can slightly zoom in on the painting, and as the Skittles start flying toward the camera, we can show five hero Skittles in slow motion(product closeup). The next shot can show the Skittles surrounding the painter, forming a portal.
In the following shot, the painter is transported to the modern world, where she stands next to the person who dropped the Skittles into the painting. They both happily eat the Skittles together, standing next to the new colorful painting. We can then show a rainbow appearing above them, with the slogan displayed at the top.
This explains where the Skittles come from, how they bring color to the world, and allows us to play with some magical effects.
Week 2 Presentation